Nov 15, 2008

Just an Instrument

The stupidest thing to do would be to give anyone -anyone at all - a loaded gun. Might be the last thing you give.

Nov 13, 2008


If this word didn't have such a negative connotation ( perversion, lawlessness, self-serving),
I'd heartily recommend it to a generation that thinks chilling is a crime.

Oct 19, 2008

Animal instincts

"The dog-eat-dog world is characterised by its rat races and hyena laughter. "
We humans really know our place in this planet.

Oct 1, 2008


There are few things worse than advice itself. They are, in increasing order:

1. Advice not asked for.
2. Advice meant for someone else.
3. Advice from someone unqualified.
4. "WTF!!??"-type Advice, i.e. advice that makes no sense, but takes just as much time.

Listening to: Yamuna
via FoxyTunes

Sep 28, 2008

Loss and Worth

We understand the things we have, only in comparison with the things we can't have.
The human idea of worth is dependent on losing something, or being unable to get it.

So he who has never lost, does not actually know what he has.

Listening to: Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
via FoxyTunes